William Blake Visits a Typewriter Store

In the Late Twentieth Century

Hello! I’d like to demonstrate some of my most popular

features for you. Please type in your name

followed by the RETURN key.

“William Blake”

The first feature I’d like to show you, William, is

my SPELL-RIGHT 50,000 word dictionary. Type in a misspelled

word and I’ll beep when the error is made. Then press

the RETURN key to go on to the next feature.

“There is a void, outside of Existence, which if entered

I can automatically center a title between the margins, Bill.

Type the name of your favorite movie star and I’ll center

it for you. Press the RETURN key to see more.

I write of the building of Golgonooza

I can also type in a Bold print. Type a few words, Bill,

and I’ll print them all in Bold.

A Robin Red breast in a Cage/Puts all heaven in a Rage

I have many other features such as…